If you’re a landlord who owns properties in Leicester, Nottingham or Derby, you might find that it’s increasingly becoming a real headache for you to operate in the sector. We’ve all had this happen; rent is due today, you open your online banking and find that your tenant’s rent hasn’t reached your account. You call the agent or tenant and listen impatiently to their excuses, you’ve heard it all before, the fact is, rent isn’t being paid in full and on time and you’ve got a mortgage to pay! You’re bogged down with repair and maintenance requests from tenants who thinks you’re a bank and you’re sick to death of new regulations, licensing, additional compliance, rising insurance and you’ve had enough. Tenants refuse to pay the rent because repairs are outstanding, you refuse to do the repairs because rent is outstanding, they go to the council, you’re arm is twisted, you have no choice but to give in despite the fact they’re living in your house for free! Where’s the justice? Do you REALLY want to pay the £1300-£2900 it costs to evict your tenant or would you rather let Andrew Hill Property take the headache out of being a landlord for you? And that’s before the extortionate agent fees to re-let the property, not to mention the lost revenue whilst the property remains empty, being marketed by an agent who has thirty other properties that are empty, competing for the same tenants you want to fill your property so you can once again start earning money… It’s an awful cycle, we know, we’ve been there… But we have a solution.
We offer our landlords the opportunity to unburden themselves from the risks and headaches associated with being a landlord, we do this by taking your place and taking control of your property from 3-5 years, with the option to renew at the end of the term. We then pay you a monthly guaranteed rent. In the meantime, we act as landlord for the property, manage the agents and tenants, take care of lettings, void management, refurbishments, repairs and maintenance.
It sounds too good to be true but it isn’t. We specialise in buy to let, houses in multiple occupation and serviced accommodation and we use your property to facilitate these businesses, this is how we make our money.
Guaranteed Rent also known as Rent to Rent is where an individual or company takes an interest in a property for a period of time from a landlord and guarantees to pay a fixed rent to the landlord. We work with landlords to realise their investments value, and best of all, you don’t pay us us ANY FEES whatsoever, in fact, we pay you!
Want to find out more? Just contact us using the details at the bottom of this webpage or send us a message using the form below including your details and details of the property.
Contact - Guaranteed Rent